Thursday, December 18, 2008


三角関係(さんかくかんけい) ランカ、シェリルがアルトを取り合ってます。
「What 'bout my star? 」
Baby どうしたい? 操縦(そうじゅう)
ハンドル(handle) ぎゅっと握(にぎ)って
もうスタンバイ(stand by)
(Do you) want my heart &(and) want my love?
NO!? んもう! スウィング(swing)してKISS!
ブッ飛(と)んじゃってるLOVEならfor me
(How) beautiful! Excuse me!
(point) I don't care $(dollars)How much fake
(point) ふたつにひとつ
but 愛(あい)ならして
What 'bout my star?

Let me know what you want, I would give you!
How fantastic to be with you. My love!

Let me know what you want, I would give you!
How fantastic to be with you. My love!
Darlin' 近付(ちかづ)いて服従(ふくじゅう) ?
NO YOU, NO LIFE ナンツッテもう絶対(ぜったい)!
need your heart &(and) need your love
OH YES!? スウィート(sweet)でKISS!
もGO! もう一回(いっかい)なんてないからHAPPY
no more chance! no rules!
GET したいからラララI all give it to you
3.Hey, I count down
2.Are you ready?
What 'bout my star?
叶(かな)えて! You yield to me
教(おし)えて! Your true feeling
叶(かな)えて! You yield to me
急(せ)かして! Impulsive date
Let me know what you want, I would give you!
How fantastic to be with you. My love!
Let me know what you want, I would give you!
How fantastic to be with you. My love!

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