Friday, June 19, 2009



但其實Kimmie老師是經驗非常豐富的老師。在香港大學英語和語言學系畢業後﹐在香港的中學教了五年英文﹐還擔任過會考英語口試考官和作文編閱員﹔後來又靠自己賺到的錢﹐到倫敦大學UCL進修﹐只為在全球最好的語音學系﹐跟隨語音學大師Professor John Wells鑽研正統的英語發音並精進自己的教學技巧﹐好讓未來的學生能學到更多。

不過﹐她在英國不只圓了自己的進修夢﹐也認識了現在的台灣老公﹐婚後遂放下手頭的一切來台定居。也因為如此, Kimmie老師能與ili結緣﹐在這裡專精任教語音矯正和進階英語對話課程。想擺脫自己的台式口音﹐或對英國和香港文化有興趣嗎? 意請密切注Kimmie老師的課程啦!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


☆ 林旻瑩 : 英文聽力專修
☆ 謝一帆 : ILI英語會話初體驗!
☆ 江玉珍 : 我在 ILI 學習語文的日子
☆ 林亞漩 : 在ILI感謝 sarah老師讓我脫離了英癡ㄚ!
☆ 吳宛玲 : 在ILI快樂學英文
☆ 嚴以心: 我的日文之路
☆ 施昱廷: 成為每個人生命中的天使
☆ 陳晏瀅: 在ILI學語文以來
☆ 吳彩華: 文大推廣教育 - 韓語初級班K3
☆ 黃伊萱: 插播廣告一則之Je m'appelle CHANTAL.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spend More Now, Think Later.

文/艾世傑Charles Estus

Since the economy has not gotten any better, it makes sense to keep talking about it. Economic woes don’t mean saving money in the US. According to current research by the Census Bureau and Federal Reserve it seems that Americans are spending $1.33 to every $1 earned. And an average household has $8,700 in credit card debt.

Wait a second… I thought you are supposed to spend less than you earn, not more! Americans have had a history of overspending since the mass introduction of charge cards. Diner’s Club in 1950, was one of the first to issue a singe card which could be used with multiple merchants. (Before that, each merchant issued a ‘credit card’ to each customer.) Since then, US credit card spending has grown out of control. Perhaps because of watching their own government function on a system of deficit spending, Americans have developed a habit of living a little too close to the edge of their financial abilities, and when something happens- such as a major expense- they are more than likely not prepared.

Why not use savings to cover these unexpected expenses, you ask? Unfortunately, Americans tend not to save their money. Recent investing has put billions of would-be-savings dollars into stocks, bonds and funds which, as you know, have lost unbelievable amounts of value. Therefore, banks rarely see cash deposited by their customers. Without enough cash-on-hand to cover an unexpected expense, Americans rely on their credit cards to get by. Meanwhile, just as in Taiwan, the consumer is prompted to spend to help the economy or be guilty of ‘contributing to the economic slowdown’.

So, spend to save the economy, but save enough for a rainy day!

Unfortunately for themselves, Americans can’t seem to stop buying things. Even since the recession started in December 2007, Americans have continued their spending in three major areas:
1) Personal care. It seems to make sense that even during hard times, people want to look and smell good! Shampoos, acne treatments, skin care gift sets, and grooming products showed a rise in sales from 11%-18% from Nov. 2007 to Nov. 2008. Another area that saw a jump was in the area of home remedies- natural medicines and over-the-counter cures for common health problems.
2) Escape. Perhaps one of the largest areas of expanding sales has been video games. Titles like Wii Fit and others saw a sales increase of 18% in the US in the third quarter of 2008. Smart phones are another product gaining sales over one year period from 13m in Nov 2007 to 24m in 2008, a rise of 53%. If the screen of the smart phone is too small, then how about a netbook computer? Sales in the third quarter of 2008 increased by 160%- however this figure might be due to the fact that more companies began offering mini laptops starting in Q2.
3) Keeping Fit. Americans are still trying to stay in shape during this gloomy period. Gym memberships are growing and expected to continue to increase by around 4% in 2009. Perhaps the fact that more people cannot afford health insurance and are avoiding going to the doctor has got them thinking about their health a bit more than usual.

There seems to be a common theme running through these areas a spending - escape from reality. According to Martin Lindstrom, the author of Buyology- Truth and Lies about What we Buy, “We want to dream ourselves away.” Perhaps if we dream the right dreams, by the time we wake up the nightmare will be over!
Ø Interested in improving your English? Sign up for one of my classes at the ILI!

Monday, March 2, 2009


20 Things About Phoebe
1. 輔仁大學英文系,德州州立大學英語教學研究所,中文不賴,英文字也可以拼幾個。
2. 年紀、身高、體重請看照片自己猜,想知道猜的對不對的請報名來上我的課。
3. 喜歡人家叫我Phoebe。
4. 會聽唐立淇的星座分析,但是不喜歡人家陌生人用星座來分析我。
5. 在鄉下出生,但是卻在城市裡過了三分之一的生命。
6. 生命最重要的東西是家人,雖然聚少離多。
7. 電影、美食、閱讀、旅遊、部落格跟研究怎麼讓自己的英文變更好。
8. 教書、烹飪、寫字,還有…還有…用舌頭打結櫻桃梗算嗎?
9. Keep the faith. 相信可以帶我們到想去的地方。
10. 欣賞自然不做作。
11. 同樣一個詞,中文字寫不出來沒關係,英文字拼不出來卻會想咬舌自盡。
12. 不笑的時候看起來很嚴肅令人生懼,但是內心其實很和善平易近人。
13. 不怕生,但是不喜歡社交場合。
14. 從小到大一直不缺站在舞台上的經驗。
15. 大學時代就開始教書,一教就是到現在。
16. 最喜歡做師資訓練還有教幼稚園小朋友的工作經驗。
17. 大部分年紀的學生都教過,現在只剩下銀髮族的爺爺奶奶們。
18. 要說這輩子從沒有變心過的對象,應該只有『教英文』這件事。
19. 當老師最大的心願就是希望善男信女、普羅眾生都可以enjoy learning English。
20. 湊個20感覺比較好看。
