Friday, February 22, 2008

Modern Business Class

Hi guys,

I have some exciting news: I will open a new class starting soon! Many of you have participated in my classes in the past, and I hope my new offering will inspire you to join me again in my new upcoming class! As with Modern Topics, the class will be focused on a new topic each week, with material prepared by me. The world of business can seem dry and uninteresting to some, but my approach to teaching is to take the ordinary and make it interesting. Students are encouraged to express opinions and debate with each other and myself in class. The relaxed environment of my classroom will make it easier for both outgoing and less outgoing students to participate. My indirect teaching style (providing clear, grammatically correct models, vocabulary introduction, and leading to ‘discover’ language) makes a relaxed, yet sound learning environment for students who ‘think outside the box’. The goal of Modern Business Topics is to give everyone a chance to discuss current business news. Each week, we will explore the current business environment in either Asia—including Taiwan, US, or Europe. Topics will vary from marketing, economy, manufacturing, finance, to any topic that’s business news-worthy, including innovative new products and services. Articles from popular business magazines and newspapers such as Business Week, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune, to name a few, will provide the bulk of the materials, plus vocabulary lists and discussion questions. You all know that our past lively discussions, sharing and opinions have made my classes fun and informative!! Why not join me again, but this time focusing on the business world!

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